When you open the door to the morning air and see pretty Yellow roses adorning your doorstep, you smile.
When you slump on your office chair and open the cabinet and find a mug saying Well Done Champ, you smile.
When you finish a tiring lecture in college and find a ‘Thank You’ Cake on their desk, you smile.
When you enter an empty apartment and find a large Teddy with A Miss You Card on the couch, you smile.
That is the power of Gifting !
When you send a gift, you are sending a piece of yourself. You are sending one small corner of your heart expressing your emotion for them. You are sending yourself wrapped and packed in your love.
When you send a gift, you are sharing a smile with someone. You are bringing that curve on their face. And that’s all that matters.
When you send a gift, you are bringing lives together. You are celebrating a moment together. You are dispelling physical distance and celebrating life.
When you send a gift, you are sending a prayer. A well ness wish. A Happy Note. A sweet taste. A loving gesture.
There is nothing like the perfect gift. There are nothing like perfect people. There are nothing like perfect feelings.
There are only imperfect feelings sent by imperfect people through all types of gifts.
Spread the joy because with #IndiaGift you have the Power of Gifting.